Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Living in America so far...

Weird experience. That's all I can really say.
People like to think that living in one country is better than living in another... I don't like to think that way. We have terms like, third-world-countries, the 'undeveloped' countries... and first world, people who have a higher standard of living. Me, I refer to where I live, just World. It's just another country, the people are different, the culture is different, the food is different! There should be no better or worse. Why does it even matter anyway? Apparently I'm from a 'third world country' - so what am I doing in America? If I'm from such a poor poor country *sad face* then how on earth did I get the money and resources to fly all the way to a 'first world country'? Totally blows my mind away haha =P

Anyway, that was just random rant lalala. I haven't written much lately, and it's driving me insane but I'm having a bit of a writers block - mind you, blogging isn't the only thing I write, hance having that writers block isn't the most helpful thing, cos I have an essay due on Thursday and I still haven't finished it =.= But anyway, Spring break was last week so it's kinda sad that it's over. I went to an extra seminar thing at school today and it was about boosting creativity, which was really ironic, because I had a tune rolling through my head and I managed to put words to it and write it down, yet once I got home, I totally forgot what it was. Grrr...

Other than that, Full Sail has officially become a University so it's Full Sail University now!! Yay =D Haha. It's easier than having to ponder on whether Full Sail is called "Full Sail Real World Education" or just "Full Sail" or it could also be written as "Full Sail Inc." which really got me confused at what Full Sail really was... But now it's an officially accredited University =D Yay!! I'm one month into my classes, but each class only lasts for a month so my first two classes (I do two classes a month) will finish by the end of this week... and then I get a new schedule starting next week for the next four weeks!! That's if anyone understood that... I'm actually going to the Museum for my Art History class on Wednesday so that'll be fun =D The school pays for entrance so I guess we can take advantage of that. It'll be interesting =) My next two classes sound really interesting. Digital Storytelling and Design Art Theory. Crazy yeah? I'm looking forward to it.

So I checked out the student FS web and found that there was a group of Christians who met on Sunday evenings, and one of my classmates had gone to it the first week so this past Sunday evening, I went with him and met the bunch. They were super wack. I'm beginning to think that all Senior/college age Christians are wack haha =D It was fun. They were having Movie night so that's what we did, and then after that finished (at 11pm) I hung out with 3 of the guys from there at Stake and Shake. It was good food for not too expensive and a really good and long conversation. Talked about a whole bunch of Controversial Issues into the weee early hours of the morning (around 2.30 am) and then my classmate drove me home. Crazy, but really fun. Haven't really had a conversation like that with anyone ever! And although sometimes our views were different, we still all got along well and had a good time talking, even though those three guys were really loud =.= hahaha =P

Ha... *sigh*

That's it for today cos I still have that essay that I really should work on... even though I keep putting it of... Oh man...

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