Thursday, February 14, 2008


I was chatting with an old friend today - he's like a mentor to me in a sense, a teacher, a leader who I always did look up to. I chatted with him today for the first time in a while, and I began to spill out all my worries, my wants, my dreams. All of them, all in one go. I've never done that before. I've never opened myself up in a way that would make me vulnerable. I've always had to be strong for the people around me, but here I was, pouring my heart out to someone who I hadn't talked to for so long.

It's really amazing what hits when you're getting ready to leave a place. It leaves you vulnerable. Leaving familiarity, stepping out into unknown territories. It's like telling a horror story - leaving home, going somewhere new, somewhere I've never been, leaving everything behind. Everything. What will become of me? Will I change? Will I be the same? Will I ever be able to go back to how things used to be?

Dreams. I have so many dreams. So many places I want to go, so many things I want to do. So many people I want to meet, and so many things I want to achieve. Dreams. It's ironic how my dreams are causing me to wake up and open my eyes. The things I see in front of me are not as real as they used to be. I can't just accept things now - I feel that I need to change. But, I hate change! I despise unfamiliarity. I fear it.

Today, I spoke out all my dreams. All the things I want to do, the places I want to go, the things I want to see. I left myself vulnerable. I totally laid everything out in front of someone else. Open, broken, vulnerable, and I was lifted up.

Jeremiah 29:11 says,

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

My dreams, God's plans. I fear God's plans for me, but fear causes me to believe and have faith in what I cannot see. Faith that God knows what my dreams are, faith that God is a good God, and faith that God's plans are the best for me.

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